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I have decided to start the 52 project where you take a photo once a week of a subject. I am in desperate need of getting back into my photography and since I have an ever changing subject glued to my hip these days i figured this would be perfect. So expect some serious baby over load at least once every week!
Ace is officially two months old now! Seriously where the heck has time been going? He changes so much everyday I can seem to keep up. Currently he is a smiley little bug who can't help but crack a  smile every time you call him stinky (mind you it must be in a high pitch squeal otherwise its nothing to laugh about), he is discovering his hands and is trying extra hard these days to suck on his fingers to get that pesky little thumb of his. It must be his left hand though, the right hand is simply not useful to him.
Thus far sleeping is….well I'm not getting my full 8 hours if thats what your wondering. But we are getting there slowly but surely. And of course he is finding his voice too! His favorite things to discuss his past times with are the ceiling fan and a deer skull hanging on our bedroom wall. He knows who his true friends are no doubt about that.
Chad and I are trying to get the house more organized since there suddenly seems to be a lot more stuff around the house since we received our new roommate. We finally started hanging some stuff on our tv wall (three years later after moving in ehemmm) I would say all in all things are finally starting to fall right into their little places.

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